
Auch dieses Jahr begleiten Sonderstationen die Fussball Europameisterschaft. Polen und die Ukraine sind Gastgeberstaaten. On behalf of the entire team EFC2012 on the Air, vy 73 de Roman SQ2RH

"European Football Championship 2012 on the AIR" is an on-the-air activity
which promises to be a great deal of fun, organized by Polish and Ukrainian
amateurs affiliated with PZK and UARL. From June 1 to July 5 2012, there will be numerous special event stations active on the air. They will be operating concurrently with the 2012 European Football Championship, which this year is organized jointly by Poland and Ukraine.

More detailed information about our activity can be found on our website
http://efc2012.pzk.org.pl. We welcome you and look forward to seeing you on all the amateur bands from June 1 to July 5, 2012. There are two awards which can be earned during this period, as well as many interesting QSL cards and prizes.

Webseite www.sq2rh.it2.pl

(Quelle: USKA)

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